Splenda Causes Cancer Concern

Following the discovery in a new study that mice have a higher risk of developing cancer after eating the popular British-made low-calorie artificial sweetener sucralose (Splenda), a leading cancer scientist calls for urgent research. Dr…

Protein Combination Best For Building Muscle Post-Workout

At Experimental Biology 2012, Dr. Blake Rasmussen and colleagues presented a new and first-of-its-kind clinical study: “Effect of Protein Blend vs

Protection Against Many Cancers Provided By Vitamin E In Diet But Not The Form Commonly Used In Supplements

Next time you need to choose between vegetable oil and margarine in that favorite recipe, think about your health and reach for the oil…

‘Western Diet’ Detrimental To Fetal Hippocampal Tissue Transplants

Researchers interested in determining the direct effects of a high saturated fat and high cholesterol (HFHC) diet on implanted fetal hippocampal tissues have found that in middle-aged laboratory rats the HFHC diet elevated microglial activation and reduced neuronal development…