Diet May Induce Epigenetic Changes In Women Before Pregnancy That Are Inherited By Offspring

Everyone knows that what mom eats when pregnant makes a huge difference in the health of her child. Now, new research in mice suggests that what she ate before pregnancy might be important too

Historical Lessons Underline Vital Role That Nurses Can Play In Patient Feeding

Nurses can play a key role in feeding people and restoring their humanity in times of great crisis and this was very evident during their little-known involvement in the liberation of Bergen-Belsen at the end of World War Two. That is the key finding of a historical research paper published in the October issue of the Journal of Clinical Nursing…

Blood Pressure Lowered In Healthy Adults By Low Calorie Cranberry Juice

Regularly drinking low-calorie cranberry juice may help get your blood pressure under control, according to new findings presented at the American Heart Association’s High Blood Pressure Research 2012 Scientific Sessions…

Sugary Drinks Linked To Genetic Risk Of Obesity

People who regularly consume sugary drinks are genetically more susceptible to becoming obese or overweight, researchers from the Harvard School of Public Health reported in NEJM (New England Journal of Medicine), September 21, 2012 issue. The authors wrote that their study provides further evidence proving that genetic and environmental factors act together in driving up the risk of obesity…

High Antioxidant Diet Decreases Risk Of Heart Attack In Women

A diet rich in total antioxidants, especially from fruits and vegetables, can greatly reduce the risk of heart attack in women, according to a new study in The American Journal of Medicine. This particular study was the first to focus on the effects of all dietary antioxidants and their connection to heart attacks…

Mother’s Diet Before Pregnancy Can Change Gene Function In Offspring

It has long been known that nutrition during pregnancy affects the well-being of her child, but a new study suggests that what a woman eats before she becomes pregnant might also play a significant role. Published in The FASEB Journal, a study conducted with mice, has found that diet prior to pregnancy chemically alters the mother’s DNA and passes these changes along to their offspring…

Diet high in total antioxidants associated with lower risk of myocardial infarction in women

Coronary heart disease is a major cause of death in women. A new study has found that a diet rich in antioxidants, mainly from fruits and vegetables, can significantly reduce the risk of myocardial infarction.

Too Much Tuna May Cause Mercury Poisoning In Children

Children should be consuming considerably less canned tuna, otherwise their risk of serious mercury poisoning could become a public health issue in years to come, the Mercury Policy Project explained in a report issued today. The authors added that albacore tuna should never be given to children.

Chocolate Gorging Linked To Opium Chemical In Brain

A new brain study suggests an opium-like chemical may drive the urge to gorge on chocolate candy and similar fatty and sweet treats. Researchers discovered this when they gave rats an artificial boost with a drug that went straight to a brain region called the neostriatum: it caused the animals to eat twice the amount of M&Ms they would otherwise have eaten…

News From The Journals Of The American Society For Microbiology: September 2012

New Insights Into How Certain Slow Progressers Control HIV Infection People with a rare genetic trait who are infected with HIV progress more slowly to AIDS than others.

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