Study of brain activity shows that food commercials influence children’s food choices

Food advertising is a multi-billion dollar industry, with approximately $1.8 billion annually aimed at children and adolescents, who view between 1,000 and 2,000 ads per year.

Gout flare-ups could be managed by blood pressure diet

Gout is both painful and common, yet the mechanisms behind it are not known. A new analysis of old data shows that easy dietary changes may keep it at bay.

Swap a soda for water to reduce weight gain

Swapping an 8-ounce sugary drink for water reduces calorie intake, obesity prevalence, and benefits overall health, say Virginia Tech researchers.

9 Diabetes Superfoods and How to Prepare Them

Learn all about nine different superfoods for people with diabetes. This article looks at walnuts, Ezekiel bread, and chia seeds among others.