What does caffeine anhydrous do for the body?

Caffeine anhydrous is a dehydrated form of caffeine that is often an ingredient in sports drinks and energy bars. It is a lot more concentrated than caffeine, which means that people need to be aware of the maximum safe intake and the symptoms of overdose withdrawal. Learn more about caffeine anhydrous here.

Most vitamin, mineral supplements not shown to lower heart disease risk

Current research does not show enough evidence that vitamin or mineral supplements are beneficial for preventing or treating heart disease, with the exception of folic acid for reducing stroke risk, according to a review. Current recommendations to adopt healthy diets that are heavy in plant-based foods from which these vitamins are derived naturally should be reinforced.

Can chewing gum help you walk faster, burn more calories?

Do you chew gum when bored, or after enjoying a very flavorsome meal? You may want to do so while walking, to reap extra health benefits, researchers say.

Why music volume matters when trying to lose weight

A new study investigates how the volume of music in restaurants impacts the types of food that we eat.

Is tricalcium phosphate bad for your health?

Tricalcium phosphate is a concentrated form of calcium that some people take as a supplement when they are not getting enough calcium from their diet.

You don’t have to be ‘strictly vegetarian’ to reap the benefits

Vegetarianism is known to help maintain a healthy weight. A new study concludes that you don’t have to stick to these diets rigidly to reap the benefits.

What causes diarrhea in the middle of the night?

When diarrhea occurs during the night, this is called nocturnal diarrhea. Foods, allergies, periods of excessive stress, and several bowel conditions can cause it.

Can vitamin D relieve joint pain?

Vitamin D is a crucial nutrient for bone health. Some studies suggest a link between vitamin D deficiency and joint or muscle pain, including rheumatoid arthritis

How can you boost your energy levels?

Do you often feel sluggish and would like to give your energy levels a boost?

Breast cancer: A low-fat diet may improve survivors’ outlook

New research investigates whether following a low-fat diet after being diagnosed with breast cancer improves the patient’s outcome.

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