Healthy eating beneficial beyond drug therapy in preventing a second heart attack

A heart-healthy diet rich in fruits, vegetables and fish significantly reduces the chance of a second heart attack and stroke in people with cardiovascular disease, researchers have found.

Low Levels Of Vitamin D Linked To Mortality In The Elderly

New research confirms low levels of vitamin D are associated with a larger rate of mortality in older adults. Additionally, the chance of reversing this impact is more likely in African Americans than Caucasians because of increased Vitamin D insufficiency in African Americans…

Preventing Foodborne Illness During Summer Months

The summer is a great time for lots of picnics, barbecues, and fun outdoor activities with family and friends. However, these fun events present the chance for foodborne bacteria to thrive

The Chance Of IVF Success Reduced By Around 50 Percent By Coffee Consumption Of 5 Or More Cups A Day

Women who drink five or more cups of coffee a day severely reduce their chance of success from IVF treatment. Indeed, Danish investigators who followed up almost 4000 IVF and ICSI patients described the adverse impact as “comparable to the detrimental effect of smoking”…

Optimal Nutrition, Physical Activity Recommended After Cancer Diagnosis

New guidelines from the American Cancer Society say for many cancers, maintaining a healthy weight, getting adequate physical activity, and eating a healthy diet can reduce the chance of recurrence and increase the likelihood of disease-free survival after a diagnosis…

Omega-3 Supplementation May Reduce Joint And Cognitive Side Effects Of Breast Cancer Treatments

“I know I need this medicine to help lower my chance of cancer recurrence, but it makes my joints ache and stiff. It makes me feel old and I am not sure I can take this medication much longer…

How A High-Fat Diet During Pregnancy Increases The Risk Of Stillbirth

Eating a high-fat diet during pregnancy increases the chance of stillbirth, according to new research at Oregon Health & Science University. The new data show eating a typical American diet, which is high in fat, decreases blood flow from the mother to the placenta, the temporary organ that nourishes the unborn fetus…

Our Desire To Consume Caffeine Driven By Our Own DNA

The desire to keep drinking coffee may not be so much a question of lifestyle or not getting enough sleep, but rather a consequence of having a particular set of genes, US researchers reported in the journal PLoS Genetics. The authors explained that people who have two versions of two particular genes have a much higher chance of wanting to consume more caffeine than others…

Diverse diet of veggies may decrease lung cancer risk

Adding a variety of vegetables to one’s diet may help decrease the chance of getting lung cancer, and adding a variety of fruits and vegetables may decrease the risk of squamous cell lung cancer, especially among smokers.

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