Fruit, vegetable intake still too low; human nutritionist says to focus on lunch

Children between the ages of 2 and 18 are eating more whole fruits and drinking less fruit juice, a new report finds after the implementation of a new program. However, vegetable intake remains the same, they say. One expert says the switch from fruit juice to whole fruit has been a big improvement

American children ‘consuming too many vitamins and minerals’

A new report says outdated policies and hard marketing of fortified foods and supplements may be causing millions of American children to overdose on vitamins and minerals.

Teen health risks from energy drinks

The uplifting effects of energy drinks are well advertised, but a new report finds consumption among teenagers may be linked with poor mental health and substance use.Researchers are calling for limits on teen’s access to the drinks and reduction in the amount of the caffeine in each can.

Overweight and obesity in developing countries ‘alarming’

The ‘alarming’ rise in overweight and obese adults in developing countries is growing into a huge public health burden, says one of the authors of a new report from a UK think tank.

Womb cancer risks decrease with exercise, diet and coffee

A new report reveals that engaging in physical activity, eating healthfully and drinking coffee can all reduce risks of womb cancer, a disease that affects nearly 50,000 women in the US each year, according to the American Cancer Society…

Critically Ill Children Helped To Achieve Necessary Nutrition For Recovery By Registered Dietitians

For the first time, researchers investigated enteral nutrition and caloric requirements (CR) among critically ill children in a new report published in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. This study also showed the value of including registered dietitians in the medical team…

Population-Based Efforts May Be Necessary To Lower Excessive Dietary Sodium Intake

Recent studies that examine links between sodium consumption and health outcomes support recommendations to lower sodium intake from the very high levels some Americans consume now, but evidence from these studies does not support reduction in sodium intake to below 2,300 mg per day, says a new report from the Institute of Medicine…

A Child’s IQ Can Be Boosted By Diet, Parental Behavior, And Preschool

Supplementing children’s diets with fish oil, enrolling them in quality preschool, and engaging them in interactive reading all turn out to be effective ways to raise a young child’s intelligence, according to a new report published in Perspectives on Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science…

A Rich Source Of Healthful Antioxidants Discovered In Used Coffee Grounds

To plant food, insect repellant and other homespun uses for spent coffee grounds, scientists are adding an application that could make the gunk left over from brewing coffee a valuable resource for production of dietary supplements. Their new report in ACS’ Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry concludes that used coffee grounds are a rich source of healthful antioxidant substances…

Green Tea Improves Memory And Spacial Awareness

Although previous studies have shown that green tea consumption aids in weight loss, can lower cholesterol levels and is full of anti-oxidants, a new report published in Molecular Nutrition & Food Research reveals that it may also benefit memory and spacial awareness as well…

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