Too much sugar may harm men’s mental health

Men with a high daily sugar intake may be at greater risk of developing depression or other mental health disorders after 5 years, new research suggests.

Daily tomato consumption may protect against skin cancer

Consuming tomatoes daily may help to protect skin against UV light damage and decrease the likelihood of developing skin cancer tumors, new research finds.

Breast cancer: Maternal high-fat diet raises risk across generations

Exposure to a high-fat diet during pregnancy may increase the risk of breast cancer in daughters and great-granddaughters, new research suggests.

Research finds decadent-sounding descriptions could lead to higher consumption of vegetables

Would you be more likely to eat vegetables if they were described as “dynamite,” “caramelized” and “sweet sizzlin'”?According to new research from Stanford scholars, the answer is a hearty yes.

Healthy diet? That depends on your genes

Shifts in the diets of Europeans after the introduction of farming 10,000 years ago led to genetic adaptations that favored the dietary trends of the time, new research indicates. The study has implications for the growing field of nutritional genomics, called nutrigenomics.

Eating more fruits and vegetables may lower risk of blockages in leg arteries

Eating three or more servings of fruit and vegetables per day may lower your risk of developing peripheral artery disease (PAD), according to new research in Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular…

Vitamin B diminishes effects of air pollution-induced cardiovascular disease

B vitamins can mitigate the impact of fine particle pollution on cardiovascular disease, according to new research conducted at Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health.

As kids’ weight climbs, power of healthy fat supplements drops

Body weight plays a significant role in how much benefit children may get from consuming “good” fats, new research suggests.

Night-time urination reduced by cutting salt in diet

The need to pee at night (nocturia) – which affects most people over the age of 60 – is related to the amount of salt in your diet, according to new research presented at the European Society of…

Some veggies each day keeps the stress blues away

Eating three to four servings of vegetables daily is associated with a lower incidence of psychological stress, new research reveals.

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