Can you have hypoglycemia without diabetes?

Hypoglycemia occurs when a person’s blood sugar levels drop too low. It can cause dizziness, confusion, and loss of consciousness, among other symptoms. While diabetes is the most common cause of hypoglycemia, it can result from other medical conditions.

Ten ways to relieve stomach ulcers at home

Ulcers can occur in many places, including in the stomach.

How do you know if you have pernicious anemia?

Pernicious anemia is a condition where there is a lack of red blood cells. A vitamin B-12 deficiency causes it when the body is unable to absorb this nutrient effectively. Tiredness, shortness of breath, slow reflexes, and pale skin are among the symptoms.

What to know about annular pancreas

An annular pancreas occurs when a rare congenital disorder affects the organ’s development. This disorder causes the pancreas to grow in a ring around part of the small intestine, which can lead to blockages. In this article, we describe the symptoms, causes, and treatments, including surgery, for an annular pancreas.

Chinese restaurant syndrome: What you need to know

Chinese restaurant syndrome refers to a variety of symptoms that can develop after eating at a Chinese restaurant. The medical community now calls it MSG symptom complex, as some researchers have linked the symptoms to the MSG in certain foods

How to get more iron from the diet

Iron is an essential nutrient needed to transport oxygen around the body. Its deficiency can lead to anemia. Here, look at how to get more iron in the diet and increase its absorption.

Hypervitaminosis A: What to know

Hypervitaminosis A is when a person has too much vitamin A in their body. This is rarely due to diet, but it can occur if a person takes too many supplements or uses certain creams for acne over a prolonged period. Learn about the symptoms of acute and chronic hypervitaminosis A and possible complications here.

How can I tell if I have low magnesium?

Early signs and symptoms of magnesium deficiency can include vomiting, loss of appetite, and tiredness.

Home and natural remedies for upset stomach

Upset stomach, or indigestion, is usually no cause for concern. It is often possible to treat the symptoms using home remedies

What are the causes and symptoms of chronic gastritis?

Gastritis is a widespread condition where the lining of the stomach becomes inflamed.

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