What are the benefits of nutritional yeast?

Nutritional yeast is full of vitamins and minerals, making it an excellent addition to a healthful diet.

Researchers explore popular food trends in nutritional review

What’s the bottom line on the potential heart health benefits of popular health foods? Researchers discuss nutritional ”hypes” and controversies around dairy products, added sugar, legumes, coffee and tea, alcohol, energy drinks, mushrooms, fermented foods, Omega-3s and vitamin B12.

Is apple cider vinegar good or bad for diarrhea?

Apple cider vinegar has recently been touted as a cure-all for many ailments, including diarrhea. However, this common household ingredient is highly acidic and can cause stomach problems in some people. In this article, learn about the potential risks and benefits of apple cider vinegar for diarrhea.

Can you eat salmon skin?

A look at salmon skin, the skin of the oily fish rich in omega-3’s. Included is detail on the nutritional benefits and the potential risks of eating it.

Is soy good for your health?

There is some debate as to whether soy is good or bad for your health. We weigh up the potential benefits and risks in this article.

All you need to know about xanthan gum

A look at xanthan gum, a food thickener with numerous health benefits.

Can mindfulness help you shed those extra pounds?

A new systematic review reveals the potential of mindfulness techniques in aiding people to lose excess weight and avoid a rebound.

What are the benefits of konjac?

In this article, learn about the potential health benefits of konjac, including diabetes management, lowering cholesterol, and treating constipation.

Soy component could improve breast cancer treatment

New research suggests that a component of soy foods may have the potential to improve breast cancer treatments, leading to the suppression of tumors.

Could micronutrient supplements combat ADHD?

ADHD is difficult to treat. Over recent years, the impact of nutrition has come to the fore.

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