Fish Consumption Linked To Lower Diabetes And Cardiovascular Risk

People who regularly eat fish as their primary source of animal protein have lower blood-glucose concentrations and a reduced risk of developing diabetes type 2 and cardiovascular disease, compared to other people, researchers from the University of Valencia reported in the journal Nutrición Hospitalaria…

Eat Like A Caveman To Lose Weight

Researchers from UCSF say that their research has shown people on a diet of high protein and plenty of vegetables show dramatic health improvements, including weight loss without exercising profusely and lower blood pressure. In short it’s the diet of our caveman ancestors thousands of years ago who were what is termed “Hunter Gathers”.

Eating Fish Can Reduce The Risk Of Diabetes

A study analyses the dietary patterns of the adult Spanish population with high cardiovascular risk. The results reveal a high consumption of both red meat and fish

High Fiber Diet Reduces Colorectal Cancer Risk

A new study published on demonstrates that eating high- fiber diet, particularly cereal and whole grains, is linked to a reduced risk of colorectal cancer. Worldwide, colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer, with 1.2 million new cases diagnosed every year…