Observation: Copious coffee consumption while taking MAO inhibitors may lead to severe hypertension

High caffeine consumption may lead to severe hypertension in patients taking monoamine oxidase (MOA) inhibitors for atypical depression and other disorders, according to a patient observation being…

Omega-3 fatty acid supplementation during pregnancy does not appear to improve cognitive outcomes for children

Although there are recommendations for pregnant women to increase their intake of the omega-3 fatty acid docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) to improve fetal brain development, a randomized trial finds that…

Investigators find something fishy with the classical evidence for dietary fish recommendations

Oily fish are currently recommended as part of a heart healthy diet. This guideline is partially based on the landmark 1970s study from Bang and Dyerberg that connected the low incidence of…

People with MS benefit from low-fat diet

People with multiple sclerosis who for one year followed a plant-based diet very low in saturated fat had much less MS-related fatigue at the end of that year – and significantly less fatigue than a…

The health of future generations may be affected by malnutrition during pregnancy

New research reveals how environmental factors in the womb can predispose not only the mother’s own offspring but also the grandoffspring to metabolic disorders like liver disease.