Soft-drink tax worth its weight in lost kilos

A tax on sweetened soft drinks could be an effective weapon in the war against obesity, generating weight losses of up to 3.64 kilograms as individuals reduce their consumption.

Vitamin A derivative potentially treats type 2 diabetes and prevents its cardiovascular complications

At a time when obesity, type 2 diabetes, and their complications are a veritable epidemic worldwide, researchers at the University of Montreal and CHUM Research Centre (CRCHUM) recently…

Popular artificial sweetener not so sweet

One of the active ingredients in a popular artificial sweetener could have the potential to limit the impact of therapeutic drugs, reduce the number and balance of beneficial bacteria in the gut…

Study links vitamin D deficiency to ‘all-cause mortality and cancer prognosis’

A new study finds a link between low vitamin D levels and all-cause mortality – including CVD and cancer. Researchers say the deficiency may even be linked to cancer prognosis.