Adding sugar to high-fat Western diet could be worse than high-fat diet alone

A high-fructose, high-fat diet can cause harmful effects to the livers of adult rats, according to new research, providing new insight into the effects of adding fructose to a Western diet high in fat. The study showed that short-term consumption of a Western diet, rich in saturated fats and fructose, is more damaging for healthy liver development than following a high fat diet alone.

Do fruit, vegetable supplements improve respiratory function in smokers?

Studies have shown that smokers, in addition to exposing their lungs to harmful toxins, often eat less fruits and vegetables than non-smokers. Given the role of fruit and vegetable based antioxidants in improving respiratory health and the difficulty of achieving lasting dietary change, researchers hypothesized that powdered fruit and vegetable supplements could improve respiratory function in heavy smokers

Genetic study suggests causal link between vitamin D deficiency and hypertension

New genetic research provides compelling evidence that low levels of vitamin D have a causal role in the development of high blood pressure (hypertension).

The best way to avoid ingredient-based food fear

Daily headlines on internet pages and blogs claim: “New ingredient X is harmful to your health.

Research explains action of drug that may slow aging, related disease

Dietary restriction is one of the most-researched methods for slowing the aging process.