Sensory-specific satiety and portion sizes influence future consumption: it’s the last bite that keeps you coming back for more

Your memory for that last bite of a steak or chocolate cake may be more influential than memory for the first bite in determining when you want to eat it again, according to research published in…

Processed red meat consumption ‘linked to heart failure’

Red meat has been previously linked to increased risk of heart failure. Now, a new study separately examines the heart risks associated with processed and unprocessed red meat.

Intake of monounsaturated fatty acids and cholesterol influence disease activity in RA and OA respectively

Two new studies presented at the European League Against Rheumatism Annual Congress (EULAR 2014) have helped clarify the relationship between the dietary intake of monounsaturated fatty acids and…

Study links low vitamin D levels with premature death

A study from the University of California-San Diego suggests that people with lower vitamin D levels may be at higher risk of early death than those with higher vitamin D levels.