Just 1 day of unhealthy eating can impact sleep quality

Researchers suggest that eating foods high in saturated fat and sugar and low in fiber – just for 1 day – may lead to poorer sleep quality.

Continuing debate regarding the validity of the evidence used to create the 2015 dietary guidelines presented in Mayo Clinic Proceedings

“What did you eat yesterday and should we believe you?” The answer to that question, and others like it, are part of a continuing controversy about U.S.

Seduced by the label – how nutrition information leads you to buy more

Have you ever been to the supermarket and chosen foods based on nutrition labels?

Two thirds of public back "activity equivalent" calorie labelling to tackle obesity crisis

Vast majority unaware of time it takes to walk or run off the calories in food.

Eating your greens might stave off glaucoma

Eating greens is indisputably beneficial for general health, and the latest research says that leafy vegetables might help save your sight, too.

What you eat can influence how you sleep

A new study found that eating less fiber, more saturated fat and more sugar is associated with lighter, less restorative, and more disrupted sleep.