Plant based diet may reduce cardiovascular death risk by 32%

More plant based foods and fewer animal products may be the key to optimal heart health and lowering the risk of heart attacks or strokes.

Multivitamins do not promote cardiovascular health

Multivitamins and mineral supplements do not prevent heart attacks, strokes or cardiovascular death. Data pooled from multiple studies show no health benefit of multivitamins.

Improved lifestyle led to decreased cholesterol and less cardiac death

Cholesterol levels – the most common risk factor for heart attacks – have decreased in northern Sweden over the last 20 years.

Coffee may harm cardiovascular health for young adults with mild hypertension

Researchers have found that heavy coffee consumption could increase the risk of cardiovascular events such as heart attacks in young adults with hypertension.

Study: Calcium supplementation does not clog arteries

Contrary to recent reports, consuming calcium supplements is not likely to cause heart problems or heart attacks, according to a study from Purdue University.

Excess Salt Intake Led To 2.3 Million Heart-Related Deaths Worldwide In 2010

Eating too much salt contributed to 2.3 million deaths from heart attacks, strokes and other heart-related diseases throughout the world in 2010, representing 15 percent of all deaths due to these causes, according to research presented at the American Heart Association’s Epidemiology and Prevention/Nutrition, Physical Activity and Metabolism 2013 Scientific Sessions…

Omega-3 May Cut Risk Of Artery Disease, Heart Attacks For Patients With Stents

Omega-3 fatty acids, combined with two blood-thinning drugs, significantly changed the blood-clotting process and may reduce the risk of heart attacks in patients with stents in their heart arteries, according to research reported in Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology: Journal of the American Heart Association…

Short-Term, High-Fat Consumption May Be Beneficial To The Heart

Approximately one million Americans suffer a heart attack each year of which some 400,000 attacks are fatal. A key cause of heart attacks is atherosclerosis, a process in which cholesterol builds up in the arteries and impedes the ability of the blood to flow to our most vital organ…

Substance In Tangerines Fights Obesity And Protects Against Heart Disease

New research from The University of Western Ontario has discovered a substance in tangerines not only prevents obesity, but also offers protection against type 2 diabetes, and even atherosclerosis, the underlying disease responsible for most heart attacks and strokes…

Vegans’ elevated heart risk requires omega-3s and B12, study suggests

People who follow a vegan lifestyle — strict vegetarians who try to eat no meat or animal products of any kind — may increase their risk of developing blood clots and atherosclerosis or “hardening of the arteries,” which are conditions that can lead to heart attacks and stroke, study suggests.