What are the nutritional benefits of peanuts?

Peanuts are a high-protein, nutrient-rich snack.

Which type of alcohol has the fewest calories?

Many people drink alcohol but want to keep their caloric intakes in check. Vodka is generally thought to be a low-calorie spirit, but there are many other factors to consider.

What are the health benefits of aronia berries?

Learn about the potential benefits of aronia. We look at the nutritional content of these berries, along with how they can be incorporated into a diet.

Hibiscus tea: Health benefits and risks

In this article learn about the health benefits and different types of hibiscus tea, the nutritional breakdown, and the side effects and risks.

Cashews: Nutritional Information, Health Benefits

Read all about the nutritional properties of cashew nuts, along with a list of their potential health benefits and ways to incorporate them in your diet.

New study finds simplified nutritional labels spur healthier choices in grocery stores

When it comes to making healthier food purchases in our nation’s grocery stores, the simpler the nutritional packaging is, the better.

Adhering to a healthy diet could reduce risk of depression

Researchers of a new study find that the nutritional properties of three dietary patterns could have a protective role against depression.

Cows chomping on fresh grass, red clover produce omega milk

Fat is an important ingredient that has a material impact on the nutritional value, texture, taste, shelf-life and producer price of milk. However, milk products are a significant source of saturated fatty acids in the Western diet. How should dairy cattle be fed for their milk to contain more unsaturated fatty acids

Study: federal nutrition program fails to improve dietary quality

The largest US federal nutrition program, called the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program – or SNAP – does not do enough to provide recipients with food security or the nutritional content that they need. This is according to a study published in the Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior.

Dark chocolate and red wine the food of love and health

Valentine’s Day staples of dark chocolate and red wine fuel the heart with love and health year ’round, says a dietitian. Catechins and resveratrol are just a few of the nutritional properties that make chocolate and red wine “diet foods” within moderation.

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