Can Biotin Help Treat Multiple Sclerosis?

What is biotin, can it help with MS, and how might it be used?

Whole-fat milk consumption associated with leaner children, research finds

Children who drink whole milk are leaner and have higher vitamin D levels than those who drink low-fat or skim milk, new research suggests.Children who drank whole (3.

Study: Toss eggs onto salads to increase Vitamin E absorption

Adding whole eggs to a colorful salad boosts the amount of Vitamin E the body absorbs from the vegetables, according to research from Purdue University.

Cancer risk falls with higher levels of vitamin D

A new study shows that blood levels of vitamin D are linked to the risk of developing cancer, where the lower the vitamin D level, the higher the cancer risk.

Prostate cancer: low vitamin D may predict aggressive disease

Low vitamin D may predict aggressive prostate cancer, say researchers who suggest that all men should make sure their vitamin D levels are normal.

MS patients may benefit from vitamin D supplements

Vitamin D supplements may be beneficial for people with multiple sclerosis, say researchers, after finding high doses of the vitamin reduced T cell activity linked to the disease.

Another ‘whey’ to improve your health in the New Year?

Adding calcium, Vitamin D and prebiotic dietary fibre to a beverage made of whey can have huge health benefits for those who drink it, team of Lithuanian scientists has discovered.

Low levels of vitamin D may increase risk of stress fractures in active individuals

Vitamin D plays a crucial role in ensuring appropriate bone density. Active individuals who enjoy participating in higher impact activities may need to maintain higher vitamin D levels to reduce…

Vitamin D levels can be compared across studies and countries

Knowledge about the vitamin D level of a population is important in order to assess the proportion that is vitamin D deficient or is at risk of becoming deficient, and to develop food strategies that…

Obese people need more vitamin E, but actually get less

A recent study suggests that obese people with metabolic syndrome face an unexpected quandary when it comes to vitamin E – they need more than normal levels of the vitamin because their weight and…

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