Iron And Folic Acid Directly Related To Improved Function In Children

Children whose mothers were given iron and folic acids while pregnant were found to have higher levels of intelligence, executive function and fine motor controls, researchers reveal in JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association). Early iron deficiency has been shown to alter neuroanatomy and metabolism that in turn can stifle typical cognitive development patterns in children…

Healthy Diet Appears To Help Older Adults Live Longer

Supporting the idea that it is never too late to adopt a healthy diet, researchers in the US found that older adults who followed a predominantly healthy diet stood a better chance of living longer than counterparts whose diets were higher in fatty foods and alcohol or sweets. and desserts…

Life Expectancy, Other Health Indicators Improve In Asia-Pacific, OECD Report Says

A report from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) released on Tuesday, found that “Asia-Pacific countries have seen steady gains in key health indicators since 1970, but developing nations there are still far behind standards in the industrialised world,” Deutsche Presse-Agentur/M&C reports…

Congress Poised To Approve Food Safety Legislation; 9/11 Bill Triggers Criticsm Of Some GOP Lawmakers

As Capitol Hill lawmakers continue working through the lame duck Congress, some Republicans are facing criticism for opposing the Sept. 11 responders bill. Meanwhile, legislators are poised to pass an overhaul to the nation’s food safety system

Festive Flab Puts Thousands (Including Santa) At Risk Of Type 2 Diabetes

Santa and thousands of others should take it easy on the mince pies and mulled wine this Christmas as excessive food and drink consumption during the festive period could lead to weight gain and increase their risk of developing Type 2 diabetes(1), warns leading health charity Diabetes UK…

Ancient Food Source Tested For Treating ALS

Nutritional supplementation with Spirulina, a nutrient-rich, blue-green algae, appeared to provide neuroprotective support for dying motor neurons in a mouse model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease, University of South Florida neuroscientists have found…

Watershed Ban Needed On Junk Food Product Placements, Says Heart Charity

Restrictions to new rules allowing product placement in TV programmes do not go far enough to properly protect children from a barrage of junk foods and drinks, says the British Heart Foundation…

Christmas Eating A Heart Disease Risk

Too much Christmas cheer can add an unwanted two kilos to a person’s waistline and increase their risk of heart disease and diabetes(1, 2), according to dietitians. US-based research has found even people who do not gain weight over Christmas could be putting their health at risk1.

Six Tips To Jump Start Weight Loss In The New Year

Losing weight is at the top of many a New Year’s resolution list…