Vitamin cocktails: An ethical dilemma of supply and demand

The Daily Meal report on intravenous vitamin therapies – also known as vitamin drip treatments – which have gained popularity recently.

Could fish oil reverse negative effects of a fatty diet?

Breaking research into fish oil supplements shows that they may be able to stave off a number of metabolic changes associated with a high-fat diet.

Being overweight, obese linked to increased risk of eight more cancers

Excess weight may hold a greater cancer burden than we thought; researchers have linked being overweight or obese to an additional eight cancer types.

Improving food quality by studying the microbial composition of raw milk

Findings from a new study, reported in the journal mBio, may help food companies improve the quality of dairy products.

Nine hydrating drinks that are healthier than water

The Daily Meal report on how to hydrate the body with certain beverages – other than water – that provide nutrients as well as hydration.

Low protein diets may improve blood sugar regulation in obesity

Diets that are very high in protein are linked to an increased risk for developing type 2 diabetes, and high protein levels have been correlated to poor insulin regulation.

Scientists challenge recommendation that men with more muscle need more protein

Sports nutrition recommendations may undergo a significant shift after research from the University of Stirling has found individuals with more muscle mass do not need more protein after resistance…

The war on sugar: ‘Children should consume fewer than 6 teaspoons daily’

A new statement from the American Heart Association recommends children aged 2-18 limit their added sugar intake to fewer than 6 teaspoons a day.

Guarana found to have higher antioxidant potential than green tea

The millions of people who consume green tea all over the world benefit from the catechins it contains.

Citrus fruits could help prevent obesity-related heart disease, liver disease, diabetes

Oranges and other citrus fruits are good for you — they contain plenty of vitamins and substances, such as antioxidants, that can help keep you healthy.

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