How do you prevent sweating after eating?

Gustatory sweating is a condition that causes sweating when someone eats, talks, or thinks about food. We look at the causes and treatment options.

January 26, 2018 · by  · in Nutritional News · Tags: , , ,

This diet may slow cognitive decline after stroke

The risk of developing dementia doubles after having a stroke. Find out which diet can potentially stave off cognitive decline, according to new research.

How does fiber prevent weight gain?

A new study takes a fresh look at the relationship between dietary fiber, obesity, inflammation, and gut bacteria.

What to eat if you have hepatitis C

Hepatitis C can damage the liver and lead to cirrhosis, or scarring of the liver. Damage to the liver may mean that a person needs to modify their diet.

Turmeric compound could boost memory and mood

A compound in the popular spice turmeric — called curcumin — has been found to improve the memory and mood of older adults in a new study.

What happens in gluten ataxia?

Learn about gluten ataxia, where the intake of gluten can trigger an attack on the nervous system.

Tips for a healthy immune system

What are the best ways to boost the immune system and can they give you enhanced protection against infections and diseases? We take a look.

Infant formula upgrade: Prebiotics may boost memory

A recent study using piglets found that adding prebiotics to infant formula improved their memory and produced subtle changes in brain chemistry.

The nutrient mix that could boost women’s energy levels

Women experience certain nutritional deficiencies that affect their energy levels and their athletic performance. Could this supplement fix this problem?

Why regular coffee intake could worsen sports performance

Many athletes turn to caffeine as a way of boosting their performance, but a new study suggests that regular caffeine intake may have the opposite effect.

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