Can beet juice help treat erectile dysfunction?

Beet juice is becoming a popular home remedy for erectile dysfunction (ED), but can it really help a man get and keep an erection? We look at the evidence.

Is senna tea safe to drink?

A look at senna tea, which is used for many reasons including constipation relief. Included is detail on drug interactions and the potential side effects.

Colon cancer: Could proinflammatory diets raise risk?

A large-scale study examines the link between diets rich in pro-inflammatory markers and the risk of developing colorectal cancer.

Are our weight loss efforts doomed to fail?

So many of us try so hard to reach the ideal body weight that we desire, but the question is: once we achieve our weight goal, can we maintain it?

The 10 best blogs for eating disorders

If you or a loved one live with an eating disorder, helpful advice and support from those in a similar situation can be gained from eating disorder blogs.

Why we’re more likely to overeat in the evening

Stress and changes in levels of ‘hunger hormones’ may help to explain why we’re more likely to overeat in the evening than earlier in the day.

How to control your appetite naturally

In this article, learn about natural, risk-free methods to suppress appetite. We look at the science behind how these simple techniques work.

What too much salt can do to your brain

A new study shows how too much salt reduces the blood flow to the brain and leads to cognitive impairment in mice. The findings are applicable to humans.

Trouble losing weight? This might be why

Some people find it harder to lose weight than others, but why is this? A new study has identified a molecule in fat cells that could be to blame.

How dietary fat helps prostate cancer to spread

Scientists unravel the link between genetics and dietary fat and the role they play in the progression and spread of prostate cancer.

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