Exercise Helps Us To Eat A Healthy Diet

A healthy diet and the right amount of exercise are key players in treating and preventing obesity but we still know little about the relationship both factors have with each other. A new study now reveals that an increase in physical activity is linked to an improvement in diet quality. Many questions arise when trying to lose weight…

Too Little Salt Can Also Be A Problem

We’ve been bombarded for more than two decades with scientists and doctors telling us to eat less salt. Statistics show that those eating excessive salt in their diets are far more likely to suffer from cardiovascular problems, but as with any nutritional or diet information, moderation and balance is the key…

HIV – The Importance Of A Healthy Diet

This year’s World AIDS Day on the 1 December 2011 enjoys the full support of the British Dietetic Association (BDA). The BDA, which also has a specialist initiative called Dietitians in HIV and AIDS (DHIVA), highlights the vital importance of good nutrition for those living with HIV and AIDS…

Two American Chemical Society Videos Digest Thanksgiving Myth And Fact

Does tryptophan in turkey really cause the bleary-eyed daze after a Thanksgiving meal?

Coffee May Protect Against Endometrial Cancer

Long-term coffee consumption may be associated with a reduced risk for endometrial cancer, according to a recent study in Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention, a journal of the American Association for Cancer Research. Edward Giovannucci, M.D., Sc.D…

Experts Offer Tips For Healthy Thanksgiving Festivities

While most people only gain about a pound of weight during the holiday season, that pound may never come off, increasing the likelihood of becoming overweight or obese and the risk of related health problems, according to a National Institutes of Health study…

How Not To Put On Weight During Thanksgiving – 15 Useful Suggestions

Nutritionists estimate that the average Thanksgiving meal ranges from 3,000 to 5,000 calories. If our daily needs should not exceed between 1,600 to 2,400 calories, it is not surprising that people complain about weight gain during the holidays. However, it is not the meal’s core that makes you put on the pounds, but rather the nice trimmings and goodies that come with it…

Probiotics For Gut Health: VSL#3 Has Designations For Specific GI Issues

As clinical studies continue to validate the use of probiotics to help promote general gastrointestinal health, a growing U.S. market1 for probiotics indicates that the U.S. healthcare community and consumers alike are recognizing the value of these beneficial microorganisms…

Nutrient Balance As Sensed By The Brain

There is no doubt that eating a balanced diet is essential for maintaining a healthy body weight as well as appropriate arousal and energy balance, but the details about how the nutrients we consume are detected and processed in the brain remain elusive…

Protecting Intestine From Radiation Injury With Probiotic

Scientists at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis have shown that taking a probiotic before radiation therapy can protect the intestine from damage – at least in mice. The new study suggests that taking a probiotic also may help cancer patients avoid intestinal injury, a common problem in those receiving radiation therapy for abdominal cancers…

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