Small study shows beetroot juice improves exercise function of COPD patients

A Wake Forest University study to investigate the effects of acute beetroot juice ingestion on the exercise capacity of COPD patients shows some promise, but a larger clinical trial is needed to…

Eating fish during pregnancy may boost baby’s development, not impair it

Although the FDA warn pregnant women against eating fish more than twice a week, a new study finds that the benefits associated with fish may offset the potential harms.

What are the health benefits of chromium?

Find out about the potential health benefits of chromium, what your recommended intake is of the mineral, what foods are high in chromium and any associated health risks.

The health benefits of oranges versus orange juice

Many health advocates advise people to eat an orange and drink water rather than opt for a serving of sugary juice.

January 24, 2015 · by  · in Nutritional News · Tags: , , , ,

Salt may raise blood pressure by disabling safety mechanism in the brain

A study of rats finds that higher salt intake over a long period disables a safety mechanism in the brain that normally stops blood pressure in arteries from rising.

New study shows veg diets boost weight loss

Adopting a vegetarian diet causes weight loss, even in the absence of exercise or calorie counting, according to a new meta-analysis published as an online advance in the Journal of the Academy of…

Health consciousness: do consumers believe healthy food always tastes bad?

Why are health awareness campaigns failing to reduce skyrocketing obesity rates?

Fetal development promoted by fatty acids in fish; brain likely shielded from mercury damage

New findings from research in the Seychelles provide further evidence that the benefits of fish consumption on prenatal development may offset the risks associated with mercury exposure.

The gluten-free diet: is it really good for our health?

Increasingly, many of us are choosing to scrap gluten from our diet, even in the absence of an intolerance to the protein. But is this a good dietary choice? We investigate.

Memories need to be ‘switched on’ and are enhanced by emotion

People may have to ‘turn on’ their memories in order to remember details of an experience, according to Penn State psychologists – a phenomenon called ‘attribute amnesia.’

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