Ulcerative colitis diet: Foods to choose and avoid

What foods may be beneficial and what foods may be triggers for people with ulcerative colitis? How are problem foods identified and avoided?

Low-fat dairy intake may raise Parkinson’s risk

Researchers have uncovered a link between higher intake of low-fat dairy products – particularly skim or low-fat milk – and a greater risk of Parkinson’s.

Drinking coffee and tea may prevent liver disease

The results of a new study conclude that simply drinking coffee and tea could have a beneficial impact on health, potentially preventing liver disease.

Can you be allergic to coffee?

If you have anxiety, a faster heartbeat, or an upset stomach after drinking coffee, you probably have a caffeine sensitivity. But could it be an allergy?

Starving prostate cancer with what you eat for dinner

When you dine on curry and baked apples, enjoy the fact that you are eating something that could play a role starving – or even preventing – cancer.