Natural ways to improve insulin sensitivity

Low insulin sensitivity can cause blood sugar levels to become too high and may lead to type 2 diabetes. Natural ways of improving insulin sensitivity include exercising more, getting enough sleep, eating a diet rich in saturated fats and soluble fiber, and taking certain dietary supplements. Learn more here.

Why is the roof of my mouth swollen?

Many conditions may cause a swollen roof of the mouth, including sores, dehydration, and mucus buildups.

Can dietary changes help with microscopic colitis?

Microscopic colitis (MC) is an inflammation of the bowel lining that causes recurrent diarrhea and abdominal pain. Doctors can often successfully treat MC using medication. However, some people with MC may benefit from trying probiotics or avoiding foods containing lactose, gluten, and caffeine

Can a 16-week lifestyle intervention impact blood pressure?

A recent study demonstrates that simply changing diet and increasing exercise can significantly reduce blood pressure in just 16 weeks.