Is crab and other seafood safe to eat during pregnancy?

Many women are concerned about the seafood they eat during pregnancy due to the risk of food poisoning and high mercury content. Fortunately, cooked crab, imitation crab, and lobster are safe to eat when they are correctly prepared

Poor sleep may fuel harmful eating habits and diabetes

Sleep deprivation can make you crave more junk food, warns a new study. And, giving in to these poor eating habits may contribute to the risk of diabetes.

Popular diet could increase risk of birth defects

For the first time, a low-carbohydrate diet during pregnancy has been linked with a significant increase in the risk of birth defects.

Colon cancer: Could proinflammatory diets raise risk?

A large-scale study examines the link between diets rich in pro-inflammatory markers and the risk of developing colorectal cancer.

Atherosclerosis: Skipping breakfast may double risk

Those who eat little or nothing at all at the start of the day have double the risk of atherosclerosis compared with those who eat a high-energy breakfast.

Meditation may help to lower heart disease risk

The AHA conclude that meditation may be useful to help lower the risk of heart disease, but that it should be used with other heart-healthy interventions.

Cadmium may raise risk of endometrial cancer

A case-control study of 1,510 women found that the risk of endometrial cancer was 22 percent higher in those with higher levels of cadmium.

Maternal sugar intake linked to allergic asthma in offspring

New research examines the link between maternal intake of sugar during pregnancy and the risk of the offspring developing allergies and allergic asthma.

Breast cancer: Maternal high-fat diet raises risk across generations

Exposure to a high-fat diet during pregnancy may increase the risk of breast cancer in daughters and great-granddaughters, new research suggests.

Drinking coffee daily may halve liver cancer risk

Love your coffee? Then you’ll love this news.

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