Keto diet: New study unearths sex differences

A recent study investigates how the keto diet affects male and female mice. The researchers find that in females, the diet’s benefits are absent.

When to consume protein: The facts

Consuming protein is necessary for muscle growth and repair.

What are the health benefits of jackfruit?

Jackfruit is a healthful source of essential nutrients, including vitamin C, potassium, and dietary fiber. Research suggests that substances in the fruit and plant may have a variety of health benefits. Cooked, unripe jackfruit is a popular meat substitute among vegetarians and vegans

What to know about smoking and ulcerative colitis

Smoking has links to major health issues, but nicotine replacement products may help with ulcerative colitis. Some studies suggest that nicotine can ease symptoms in some people. Learn more here.

More evidence links weight gain to meal times

A recent study on obesity and weight gain finds that it is not just what we eat but when we eat it that is important. Evidence for this theory is mounting.

Why too much vitamin D can be a bad thing

Vitamin D is essential for good health. However, a new study has found that too much can have a negative effect on some members of the population.

Sugary drinks can be a factor in cardiovascular disease

A recent study finds an association between sugary drinks and higher rates of mortality from cardiovascular disease, as well as higher cancer rates.

Could prescription vegetables be the future of healthcare?

A recent study investigates whether prescribing healthful food could, in time, save money and improve health. The results are surprising.

How sugary drinks can fuel and accelerate cancer growth

New research in mouse models reveals that consuming sugary drinks can boost the growth of cancer tumors, and it also explains the underlying mechanisms.

Hot tea may raise esophageal cancer risk

A new, large prospective study suggests that people who regularly drink very hot tea may raise their risk of developing esophageal cancer.

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