Symptoms of caffeine withdrawal

Caffeine withdrawal symptoms can occur when a person abruptly stops consuming caffeine.

Is popcorn a healthy snack?

Popcorn can be a healthful food choice with a good nutritional profile, including fiber, protein, and vitamins. In this article, we look at the benefits and nutrition of popcorn, the healthiest ways to eat it, and how to make the most nutritious version of popcorn at home.

What are the health benefits of guava?

Guava is a traditional remedy for a variety of ailments.

What are the health benefits of dark chocolate?

Dark chocolate generally contains less sugar and more cacao solids than milk chocolate. It is also rich in antioxidants and some minerals.

Almond milk vs. soy milk: Which is better?

Almond and soy milk are the two most popular plant-based alternatives to cow’s milk.

Causes of nausea and loss of appetite

Causes of nausea and loss of appetite include food poisoning, allergies, and medications. The cause of these symptoms will determine the treatment.

What to know about cod

Cod contains vitamins, minerals, omega-3 fatty acids, and protein. This makes it a very beneficial food source. Learn more about the health benefits of eating cod here.

Does coconut oil promote weight loss?

Many people claim that adding coconut oil to the diet can help promote weight loss. However, these claims tend to rely on studies that investigated medium-chain triglycerides oils rather than coconut oil itself

Higher cholesterol, egg consumption linked to heart disease

Pooled data on 29,615 people spanning up to 31 years ties higher egg or cholesterol consumption to raised risk of cardiovascular disease and early death.

Coffee chemicals could curb prostate cancer

Coffee is a complex cocktail of compounds. A recent study identifies two particular molecules that might have cancer-fighting capabilities.

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