Healthy diet linked to lower death rates among low-income residents in Southeastern USA

Eating a healthy diet was linked with a lower risk of dying from heart disease, stroke, cancer or other diseases among a population of low-income individuals living in the Southeastern U.S., according to investigators. Nearly two-thirds of the participants in the study were African-American.

To shed weight, go vegan

People on a vegetarian diet, and especially those following a vegan one that includes no animal products, see better results than dieters on other weight-reducing plans. In fact, they can lose around two kilograms more on the short term, say researchers after reviewing the results of twelve diet trials

Cranberry juice may help protect against heart disease and diabetes risk factors

Study finds polyphenol-rich cranberries to be a sustainable lifestyle approach to better healthA new study 1 reveals that drinking low-calorie cranberry juice cocktail may help lower the risk of…

Study: Muscadine grape seed oil may help reduce obesity

Muscadine grape seed oil supplies a form of Vitamin E, giving scientists another clue to reducing obesity, a new University of Florida study shows.

Is marriage good or bad for the figure? Comparative study of nine European countries

It is generally assumed that marriage has a positive influence on health and life expectancy. But does this “marriage bonus” also apply to the health indicator of body weight?

High-fiber diet during pregnancy may protect offspring against asthma

A new study finds a high-fiber diet alters the gut bacteria of pregnant women, leading to the release of anti-inflammatory substances that protect offspring from developing asthma.

A person’s diet, acidity of urine may affect susceptibility to UTIs

The acidity of urine — as well as the presence of small molecules related to diet — may influence how well bacteria can grow in the urinary tract, a new study shows.

Want to be seen as more loving and a better cook? Serve vegetables to your kids

Do you want to be seen as a better cook and a more loving parent? It’s as easy as serving a vegetable at dinner, according to recent Cornell Food and Brand Lab research.

Weight loss plus vitamin D reduces inflammation linked to cancer, chronic disease

First study of its kind to test effect of vitamin D and weight loss on inflammatory biomarkersFor the first time, researchers at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center have found that weight…

Fasting: what are the health benefits and risks?

Fasting diets have become one of the most popular health trends in recent years.

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