Could red wine be used to prevent dental cavities?

The human mouth is a complex habitat for hundreds of microbes. Drugs tackling these bacteria are prone to side effects, so scientists are now investigating natural remedies.

Lifestyle changes improve biomarkers associated with breast cancer recurrence and mortality

A pair of Yale Cancer Center interventional studies involving breast cancer survivors found that lifestyle changes in the form of healthy eating and regular exercise can decrease biomarkers related…

Mitochondria adjust their ‘fuel burners’ to burn the right nutrient molecules

To guarantee efficient use of nutrients, cells have systems that permit them to capture and transport the available nutrient molecules to their interior.

Improved newborn health despite income gap

The U.S.

Vitamin E-rich oils linked to lung inflammation

A new study has found a link between a form of vitamin E – called gamma-tocopherol – found in canola, soybean and corn oil and the rising incidence of lung inflammation and asthma.

Children less likely to eat food if they know it’s good for them

When it comes to urging young children to eat healthy food, parents are better off saying nothing about the benefits than saying it will help them grow stronger or smarter.

How online games can help diabetic patients make healthier choices

Type 2 diabetes is a chronic disease of global relevance. Due to the fear that comes with the long-term bodily degenerative processes, people with the disease often do not actively seek information…

Link between healthy diet and better lung function in COPD patients

Sure, everyone knows a healthy diet provides lots of health benefits for patients with respiratory diseases, but now a new study has shown a direct link between eating fish, fruit and dairy products…

Rapamycin mimics effects of dietary restriction, may slow aging and related disease

A proven approach to slow the aging process is dietary restriction, but new research in the Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State University helps explain the action of a drug that appears to mimic…

For maximum muscle health we need a full serving of protein at each meal

Most Americans eat a diet that consists of little to no protein for breakfast, a bit of protein at lunch and an overabundance of protein at dinner.

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