Study: Calcium supplementation does not clog arteries

Contrary to recent reports, consuming calcium supplements is not likely to cause heart problems or heart attacks, according to a study from Purdue University.

New research backs belief that tomatoes can be a gout trigger

People who maintain that eating tomatoes can cause their gout to flare up are likely to welcome new research from New Zealand’s University of Otago that has, for the first time, found a biological…

Instant oatmeal for breakfast may help curb your appetite at lunch

Research in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition suggests that eating a hearty portion of instant oatmeal for breakfast — versus a popular oat-based cold cereal — leads to lower calorie…

Eating on the move may trigger weight gain in dieters

Researchers found that dieters who ate a cereal bar while walking went on to eat more food afterwards compared with other study participants.

Agricultural intervention improves HIV outcomes

Helping HIV positive Kenyans improve farming practices counters hungerThis image shows a farmer/participant showing irrigated crops.

The dynamics of mercury toxins in the oceans’ food web

Methylmercury, a toxic form of mercury that is readily absorbed from the gastro-intestinal tract and can cause in a variety of health issues, poses a significant threat to marine animals at the top…

Foresight food security: From hunger and poverty to food system approach

Long considered in relation to malnutrition and humanitarian aid, food security policy should be moving towards a much broader landscape and focusing on regular access to food for a population…

Hot chilli may unlock a new treatment for obesity

University of Adelaide researchers have discovered a high-fat diet may impair important receptors located in the stomach that signal fullness.

Daily coffee could improve survival for colon cancer patients

According to new research, four or more cups of coffee a day could reduce the risk of recurrence and improve survival among patients with stage 3 colon cancer.

How to extract and benefit from insect oil?

Surprised to see how the Dutch people, whose culture is alien to the consumption of insects, have expressed interest in entomology with a scientific and commercial vision, a Mexican researcher is…

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