Onions and garlic could protect against cancer

According to a recent study, eating more allium vegetables, such as garlic and onions, might reduce the risk of developing colorectal cancer.

Not all saturated fats are equal when it comes to heart health

The type of saturated fats we eat can affect our risk of a heart attack.

January 28, 2019 · by  · in Nutritional News · Tags: , , ,

Type 2 diabetes: How do fructose-sweetened drinks affect risk?

New research examines the link between the consumption of fructose-containing foods, sweetened beverages, and the risk of type 2 diabetes.

A natural pigment can help decrease cardiovascular risk

A new systematic review finds that a common natural pigment could significantly lower the risk of heart disease and death related to cardiovascular events.

MS: How too much salt can cause inflammation

New research discovers the molecular mechanism that explains why a high intake of salt may trigger inflammation and raise the risk of multiple sclerosis.

What to do to keep gums healthy

Practicing good oral hygiene can help a person keep their gums healthy and reduce the risk of gum disease.

How do dairy fats influence the risk of type 2 diabetes?

Do high levels of dairy fats increase or lower the risk of type 2 diabetes? A new pooled analysis of 16 international studies aims to provide an answer.

Probiotics may help battle antibiotic resistance

Probiotics are known to reduce the risk of certain infections. The latest study finds that they may also reduce the need for antibiotics.

Three daily servings of dairy may keep your heart healthy

New research rehabilitates the heart-healthy role of whole-fat dairy products, as a high intake is found to lower the risk of cardiovascular mortality.

Can people be allergic to strawberries?

Strawberry allergies are less common than other allergies, but they do occur. Most allergic reactions to strawberries are mild, but they can occasionally be life-threatening for some people. In this article, we look at the symptoms of this allergy as well as the risk factors and diagnosis

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