Chinese restaurant syndrome: What you need to know

Chinese restaurant syndrome refers to a variety of symptoms that can develop after eating at a Chinese restaurant. The medical community now calls it MSG symptom complex, as some researchers have linked the symptoms to the MSG in certain foods

Does taking omega-3 help with psoriasis?

Many people believe that taking omega-3 can improve symptoms of psoriasis. Indeed, research has shown that omega-3 supplements, including fish oil, can improve skin redness and itchiness, along with boosting people’s heart health. Learn about how omega-3 benefits psoriasis here, and how to get omega-3 in your diet.

How a red wine compound may prevent cancer

New research shows, for the first time in the laboratory, how resveratrol stops a mutant protein from aggregating and leading to cancer.

Can water help you lose weight?

Staying hydrated is essential for many bodily functions, and it can also help people to lose weight. In this article, learn how increasing water intake can help to shed excess fat and keep a person feeling fuller for longer. We also describe how much water a person needs every day and tips for drinking enough.

What are the most healthful high-fat foods?

Fats are an essential component of nutrition, alongside carbohydrates and protein. The key is choosing the healthful, unsaturated fats

Seven ways to do intermittent fasting

Intermittent fasting is an increasingly popular dietary choice for weight loss and health.